Allergy & Immunology

Helping You Live with Allergies and Asthma

2022世界杯巴西阵容桑福德健康过敏和免疫学可以帮助您有效地管理您的过敏,哮喘或免疫系统的条件。我们将找出引发过敏反应的因素,并制定计划对抗这些症状。过敏会让你很痛苦,但你不必忍受。Let Sanford Health’s team of expert allergists relieve your symptoms.

Find an Allergy and Immunology Specialist

Sanford Health Allergy and Immunology knows that allergies can severely affect your quality of life. They don’t have to. We have a dedicated team of experts who specialize in diagnosing and treating allergies, asthma and immune system conditions in children and adults.

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Sanford Health Allergy and Immunology serves Sioux Falls, Fargo, Bismarck and the surrounding areas. Look for an allergy clinic near you.

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Tips for Living with Allergies

There are some steps you can take to handle your allergies. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, avoid being outdoors at dawn. The window from 5 to 10 a.m. is prime pollen time. Shower or change your clothing when coming inside to avoid bringing allergens into your home. For those allergic to indoor allergens, use mattress covers and limit the amount of carpeting in your home to reduce your exposure to dust mites. Air out your home and use a dehumidifier to avoid mold growth.

All allergy sufferers should take medication before their symptoms hit if they anticipate an attack. To treat symptoms, use nasal rinses, inhale steam and stay hydrated. Try different types of allergy medication and brands to find what fights your symptoms the best.

If you feel you’ve tried it all and are still miserable, it’s time to see an allergist.


Allergists specialize in helping people live with allergies and improve their quality of life. See an allergist for reactions to mold, dust and pollen.

See exactly what triggers your allergies with allergy testing. Once Sanford Health allergists have identified your allergens, they work with you to create a plan to avoid your triggers or for treatment. They work with both adults and children. We perform three allergy tests:

  • Skin test:Allergists expose your skin to a small amount of an allergen. An allergist places the allergen on the surface or injects it under the skin. The results are available right away.
  • Blood test:如果你不能忍受皮肤测试,你的医疗服务提供者可能会选择使用血液测试来确定你的过敏。
  • Challenge test:You will breathe in or ingest a tiny amount of allergen. A healthcare provider then watches you closely for an allergic reaction.

Suggested Treatments

Go into any pharmacy, and you’ll find aisles full of allergy medications. There are nasal sprays, antihistamines, decongestants and more. It can be hard to judge which type and brand will relieve your unique symptoms. Talk with a trained allergist about your triggers and symptoms to learn which medications will work best for you.

Sanford Health offers allergy shots (immunotherapy) as well. These shots expose your immune system to progressively more and more of an allergen. The treatment aims to change your system’s reaction to the allergen. Many patients report a reduction in symptoms after several months of treatment.

Don’t suffer through allergy season. Get help from Sanford Health’s team of allergists and immunologists now.

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We test allergies using skin testing. This involves using small amounts of allergens on your skin and look for small raised bumps to develop. There are two methods of skin testing that we do in our office: prick testing and intradermal testing. Each test will take about 45 minutes and is done on your back and arms. We typically start with a prick test, and those results will show if we need to do further testing with an intradermal test. Please plan two hours for the skin testing appointment to ensure we have enough time should you need both types of testing.

Can my allergies change over time?

Yes. It is possible to have an allergy to something, then over time, your body may develop its own immunity to that particular antigen. You may also become exposed to new allergens that cause new allergies to develop.

What happens if my allergy test is negative but I still have symptoms?

Even if your allergy test is negative, we still want to help manage and treat the symptoms you are having. Having an allergy test helps eliminate certain factors that can contribute to the sinus allergy symptoms you are experiencing. This allows us to focus on other causes such as sinus problems or prescribe new medications to help treat your symptoms.



Can you help me with hives, rashes and swelling?



No. If you are experiencing sinus allergy symptoms, you may request an appointment. A nurse will call you prior to scheduling an appointment to discuss your symptoms and review medications to be sure you will benefit from sinus allergy testing.

How old does my child need to be to get tested for allergies?

Children need to be age 5 or older for allergy testing.

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