Wellness Center Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons

Sanford Swim Lessons are perfect for swimmers 6 months old to adults. Learning to swim can be fun and foster a child’s life-long love for the water. Learn about our different levels and what level would be good to get started in below. Schedules and dates are updated regularly, so check back to find information on upcoming sessions.


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*If the person you are signing up for swimming lessons is not on your account as an active member, please see the sales office.


Upcoming Class Dates & Registration

49th & Oxbow




Swim Lesson Descriptions

Parent & Child Playtime
Ages 6 months – 18 months
和我们一起在温暖的水池里玩耍吧。亲子游戏时间为6 - 18个月的孩子介绍安全有趣的水上活动。大人必须带着小孩在水里。

Toddler Time
Ages 18 months - 2 years old
This class is for introduction to the water while learning to blow bubbles, beginning kicks, and being on their backs. 1 adult must be in the water with child during class.

Terrific 3’s
Ages 3 only
Being 3 is Terrific! This parent and child class is design to teach 3 years old how to stay safe in the water while learning fundamental swimming skills and having FUN! 1 adult must be in the water with child during class.

Preschool Beginners
Ages 4-5
Calling all first time swimmers! Students will learn how to enter the water safely and independently, how to blow bubbles, flutter kick, assisted back float, assisted front glide, assisted back glide, and assisted rolling over in water and so much more.

Preschool Advanced
Ages 4-5

Level 1
6 years and older
Student will become completely independent from the teachers assistance. They will learn to front/back float, front/back glide, and retrieve objects under water. They will work on treading water, front crawl, back crawl, and elementary back stroke.

Level 2
6 years and older
Student are completely independent swimmers. They will learn front/ back float, front/back glide, retrieve objects under water, front crawl, back crawl, and elementary back stroke, rotary breathing and learn transitioning from treading water to swimming. This level is about independence and gaining strength.

Level 3 & 4
6 years and older
Students continue level 1 & 2 skills while learning new skills like the butterfly, side stroke, breast stroke, feet first surface dives, and flip turn transitions.

Level 5 & 6
Must be able to swim 25+ yards and know all swim strokes Students continue level 4 skills while learning details on strokes and building endurance

Private Swimming Lessons

Private lessons are located at both locations. For more information or call 49th & Oxbow at(605) 328-1600or Tea Ellis at(605) 323-6964.